We are all have many roles; wives, mothers, care givers, homemakers, career women, daughters, sisters, mentors, ministers, teachers, coaches, and most importantly, daughters of the King. Our Heavenly Father. That defines us and we are loved.
This weekend these sisters in ministry had the opportunity to be loved on by our husbands and church body. What a humbling experience for us all...thank you so much FBC and our precious hubbies that held down the fort. We drank lots of coffee, cried, laughed, ate, rested, slept, and had a whole bunch of giggles and I am so thankful to work along side some AMAZING women!
I am so thrilled that you all got away together. I know that there are certain things that only you "sisters" can probably relate with one another being wives of husbands on ministry staff. I am so thankful for you all you do to help Chad do what he does. He couldn't do it without you. I hope you feel refreshed sweet Laurie!
i'm glad you all had the opportunity to get away! sounds like you had fun!
anna :)
Wow! What a treat. Yes, my dad does live there in Bowling Green. That's awesome! It is gorgeous out there.
I am so glad you were honored in this special way. What a sweet group of women in the photo.
Miss you.
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