Sunday, March 30, 2008

Biloxi, Mississippi

I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a stateside mission trip with Chad and 18 other youth and adults last week! We went to Biloxi, MS to assist the Salvation Army in Katrina restoration. I could not believe the devastation in that area from the storm. One local shared with us that 2000 bodies washed up on the shores of Biloxi and that many of the homes are still uninhabited because of that.

While we were there we helped clear debris from work sites, scraped paint off of one woman's home then only to repaint it, painted a boy's and girl's home that is turning into a women's shelter, and then assisted another lady in her newly built home. Our youth did an incredible job serving, sacrificing, bonding with each other, and making memories.

Something holy happens when you get away from the normal daily activities (youth and adults) and throw yourself into a cause that is great and larger than yourself. I know for some youth and myself, it was a wonderful reminder of how blessed we all are, and that there is such a greater reward internally when we sacrifice our time and talent.

Yes, we was uncomfortable leaving the boys for 5 days, but they were completely loved and cared for. Mom and Ivey came in and had a blast with them. Mom was definitely tired by day 5, but the guys loved her time here. Chad and I also loved knowing that our boys had the chance to pray for our trip and realize through that that life is bigger than our family. We look forward to the day when they will get to travel with us and serve!

1 comment:

Karen said...

thanks for posting...been waiting for this very anxiously:) I cannot WAIT to hear about the trip!!! When can we get together?:)