A dear friend shared the book, Feathers From My Nest by Beth Moore, with me and I have really enjoyed reading her thoughts on different seasons in her life..In the most recent reading, she is referring to Psalm 84:
" Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion....
O lord Almighty,
blessed is the man who trusts in you. (vv5-7, 12)
The word
means one of tears or weeping. In many ways this Psalm has been my heart the last month. I have been in the Valley of Baca, but thank the Lord he hasn't kept me there. I can honestly say that He has allowed "springs" to rise up in my heart and fill me with peace, joy, and rest. Yes,I have had moments of being back in the valley, I have just tried to walk through them.
What Beth shares in her book is so true...
For every challenge,there is strength and if we're willing to receive it, something amazing can happen. Our Valley of Baca can become "a place of springs." Our seasons of tears can become the source of our deepest wellsprings of personal revival. In fact, I'm hard pressed to remember many times my personal seasons of renewal did not spring from a valley of tears. I'm so grateful to love and serve a GOd who offers favor to every pilgrimi passng through Baca. Becasue God is Faithful, He ever extends to us "strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrow."
I already see His hand and a sweet opportunity with other moms who have had a loss through pregnancy. So what Satan intended for evil, God WILL use for good, and it's just humbling to be part of it. :-)