Four and a half years ago I traded my days of nurturing other's children in a classroom for the daily and daunting task of being a mom. It amazes me how much more I have been the pupil these past few years. Days now are constantly filled with teachable moments for us all and most importantly, I can speak freely to my precious pupils, my children.
In the public classroom, my discussions of Christmas was within a unit study of cultural customs and beliefs. I would just conveniently discuss Judeo-Christian beliefs the last few days before our break. In my mind, I was ending with the real meaning of Christmas in hopes that it would plant a seed in their hearts to inquire more. Some did and some didn't.
But now, as my pupils are my children, if is such a relief to know that Christ isn't just talked about this time of year, but that it is a daily, moment-by-moment opportunity to disciple my children. Do I always seize those moments? unfortunatley no, but the closer my walk is with my sweet Jesus, I know the more "moment-by-moment" it is.
As I dwell on the discipleship of my children, a dear friend directed my path to a new book I got for our family library.
The Ministry of Motherhood
While two of my children went to a game with Chad and one still slumbers, I decided to start reading my Christmas present early. :-)
Most of the people glancing at this page are in the same season with me or are directly related to my little warriors. Either way, I want to share what the first few pages have openned my eyes to . We all desire to impart values or goals or gifts to our children. In this book, Sally Clarkson, has shared the gifts she desires for her 4 children.
I share them with you to 1) enocurage you 2) challenge me to create my own gifts and 3) to remind you that being a mom is the best and most challenging task of training the next generation for God's glory.
G- represents the gift of GRACE
I- represents the gift of INSPIRATION
F- represents the gift of FAITH
T- represents the gift of TRAINING
S- represents the gift of SERVICE
This book walks you through a six week study of each of those values. I'm so excited to start this book and I'll try to share what I'm learning from it.
Blessings to you all!