Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Snapshots

Most of our days have been spent at the pool, in the sprinkler, playing Wii, reading, play-dates and such, but here are a few snapshots of June. The fellas are having a blast together and love being together so we all have really enjoyed it. Chad spent 10 days in Mexico with 30 students while I held down the fort solo-well, not really, I had faithful friends call, invite us for dinner, check in, and praying for my stamina and ya'll: the boys and I are grateful! I also have had the itch to do some home changes. I still can't believe we have been here 6 years, and most of our painting changes happened the first year, so we were due for some. If for no other reason to cover the boy beaten walls. haha

OIL JUBE FIELD TRIP: One day when I was getting our oil changed, I asked the guys there if they ever did field trips, because my boys were loving the "pit". They said no one had ever asked but they were willing, so 2 days later we got a tour of the "pit." We learned where the oil goes, what they do with the old oil, and how they checked the car's air flow.

CUB SCOUT CAMP: The week that Chad was gone to Mexico, Owen had day camp at a local park everyday from 8-3. He absolutely LOVED it. Each day they made a craft, learned character traits, shot a BB gun and also a bow and arrow in addition to other fun things. I must say, I now have experienced the "drop my child off all day" blues. Man, ,y stomach was in knots that first morning as we were praying over his day. I was trying to hold back the tears...WHOA it was HARD! But GOd gave me that timely blessing of camp while Chad was gone, and I was able to pace myself with the other two.

Waterslide Limbo!! Last year it was sprink-o-line...on to new water fun... try it, you'll like it!

BEFORE: we have had this color in our dining room since we moved here 6 years ago...WOW! So we were in need of a change.. most of the colors in our house are gold, red, green, black and eggplant doesn't work for me, BUT............

AFTER: BLACK DOES! I know its a bit dramatic, but we like it-
We also have some outdoor changes but they aren't done yet, so they will come later:-)

A decorative door we found to hang in our family is so beautiful in the mornings when the sun shines through it:-)

BEST BUDS: This year Owen and Griffin went to VBS at a local church and had the BEST time. Everyday they came home with new songs to sing and stories to share. I hope to share a video of one of the songs they learned. The music was awesome!! Jackson our next door neighbor also went and this was the last day of VBS fun. What CUTE Cowboys!!

So, what has your family done this summer so far???


Jenna said...

Love the BLACK!! What a great idea for the den...stain glass so fun! It def. goes with the rest of the house. Give the boys a kiss from Aunt J.

PS: Isabella has been asking for Tate :) See you soon

Karen said...

we have GOT to catch ridiculous that I am seeing all of this and hearing all of this for the first time on your blog when I could throw a rock really hard to your house;)!!

Sorry I have been so out of touch...I did pray for you when Chad was gone. Oh and I LOVE the black...AWESOME!!

mandy said...

i sooooo love the black!!! it is stunning and crisp and classy. well done. you have always been great at decorating your home. the door on the window is fabulous also.