Monday, February 19, 2007

Pure Joy

1 year 4 years

It's amazing to me to stare into the eyes of my now 4 year old and still recall the first time I held his precious little body. Today was a day of celebration in our home. We celebrated Owen's life, his laughter, his smile, his tenderness, his love for others, his creativity, his interest in dinosaurs and sword fighting..a true warrior. I sit here tonight amazed at all this precious little person has taught me the last 4 years and continues to teach me. I love being a mom although days are long and duties are endless, but I'm learning to take more moments to enjoy Owen. It's easy to rush the day away with house work, but the reason I'm choosing to be at home is to nurture Owen and his brothers, and to do that, I must stop and seize each moment with them. If that means for me to put off laundry another day or when they are resting then I must, Because as I'm now goes way too fast.

1 comment:

mandy said...

sorry this is late, owen but happy birthday! you are a fine young man!